Most people— history buffs in particular— will find this project remarkable. We are taking advantage of the fact that everything within Absolute Time functions “at the same time,” and combining that with the miracle of teleportation, and we will draw specific people from the past to the present to teach them about how wars, genocides and massacres can be averted or assuaged through the Fourth Element.

Will it create a time paradox and leave the present world obliterated in a moment? Lady Gaia promised she can draw forward people who have the genetic composition of the pure racial purpose, and so they do not affect the permutations that come about. These individuals can be brought forward to learn the principles of how to temper the swinging pendulum and bring it back to the straight and narrow, and affect the cycles of history before they are/were created.

For a clearer understanding of how Time works to change the past, please read Seth and Jane Roberts’s series, “The Education of Oversoul Seven.”

People from each century, starting with the time of Christ, will come forward for a short period of time, perhaps one week, and will be available to historians to give a first-hand account of life in their time period. At the same time, we will explain to them the effects of the games of the Seven Deadly Sins and how to temper the results, and then they can then go back to their own time to make the necessary changes, based on their own will.

These individuals will be taped, and the programs will be available to the entire world.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Is time travel possible?

One of our miracles involves Time Travel, and we will go into that in future posts.

The Time Machine Project is associated with the fourth row of the World Peace Marketing Strategy, which is the row for people who function for their own interests.

History tells us that when Jesus of Nazareth made his ascension, he was able to teleport around the world and visit up to twenty different places. If we combine that with the information in our Time Series booklets. which are required reading for the technology team before we go to Oxford and Stonehenge, time travel is possible--according to Lady Gaia.

The Bible also talks about the Banquet Table, which is a metaphor for Absolute Time. To create our project, we move from Relative Time to Absolute Time, and find our place on the Banquet Table.

This project probably addresses the people who refuse to accept the proverbial invitation to the Wedding Feast, and when it is refused, the host opens the door to the people who will listen.